Far West Texas


Showcasing Texas’s last frontier

Imagine gently rubbing horned toad bellies, playing in irrigation ditches, dancing in dust devils and wading across the Rio Grande to play with other children. That’s what an imaginative young boy did growing up in Lajitas.

I didn’t meet Jerry until many years later (we were seniors in high school), but I can see his younger version clearly in my mind – burr haircut, freckles, deep, dark tan, sun bleached hair, shorts only and bare footed. Plus I’ve seen the family pictures.

After marrying, we moved to central Texas for college and started our businesses. We signed our 1st business lease for 3 years thinking that was the longest we could possibly be there and wound up in that business for 20 years. But, Far West Texas began calling us so we decided to move back. Then everyone, yes everyone, asked “what do you DO out there?”

After a scouting trip, we chose Fort Davis as our new home. Bonus was, it didn’t have a bookstore and doesn’t every town need a bookstore? We thought so. So we arrived with a semi-truck load of books from our bookstore in College Station. BookFeller was born then later Nel’s Coffee shop across the patio. We were pleasantly surprised when a Texas Monthly review described Nel’s Coffee Shop as a “chatty, mostly local crowd that recalls the slow pace of long-gone rural cafes”… migas anyone? Nel’s Coffee Shop was great fun and we owe a huge thanks to everyone for joining us in our small business adventures. Unfortunately my feet just couldn’t take it anymore. We weren’t 27 like we were when we opened our 1st business. Whew … (I miss the patio too.)

So we moved BookFeller down the street where we still enjoy visiting with everybody and still get asked “what do you DO out there?”.

Now we’re excited about opening our new business, FarWestTexas.com. FarWestTexas.com and Bookfeller will try to answer that #1 question. We get in our pickup (everyone has a pickup here) and take the side roads, the backroads, and the dirt roads, off the beaten path looking for all things Far West Texas. We find and share places to go, things to do and, of course, our passion, small businesses.

We’re 4th generation Far West Texans and we love this land and its people. Hope you do too. Drop in, drop by, drop a line, drop whatever, just stop by and say howdy.

Got a question? Ask Nel.

Got a story? Tell Nel.

Nel and Jerry Miles



103 North State Street   –   downtown Fort Davis

Fort Davis, Texas 79734

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